Oil record book regulations

Oil record book, part i machinery space operations all ships. Oil record book instructions oil record book, part i machinery space operations all ships the following pages of this section show a comprehensive list of items of machinery space operations which are, when appropriate, to be recorded in the oil record book part i in accordance with regulation 17 of annex i of the. Draft amendments to marpol enabling use of electronic record. In addition to the oil record book, the oil pollution prevention regulations require that every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage or more and any other ship of 400 tons gross tonnage or more. For oil tankers, oil record book part ii shall also be provided to record relevant cargoballast operations. The oil record book part ii, whether as a part of the ships official logbook or otherwise, shall be in the form specified in appendix iii to this annex. This part of the oil record book is mandatory for every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage or more. The oil record book part ii, whether as a part of the ships official logbook or otherwise, shall be in the form specified in this annex. After publication of the nprm, we included a proposed version of the oil record book in the docket uscg201001940015 that would incorporate some of the changes to the code of federal regulations proposed in this rule. The second part of the oil record book is for cargoballast operations and this part only needs to be filled out by crew members aboard oil tankers. One of the of the more challenging types of civil penalty cases the hearing office receives are oil record book violation cases. The regulations also specify that vessels covered by the regulations must have at.

Record book part i machinery space operations all ships mepc 6224. Keeping oil record book on board cargo ships and how to make. Erecord books will ease the administrative burden associated with paperwork, and the benefits of having an electronic recording system may be fully utilized for the vessels crew and manager as well as third parties. Mar 25, 2020 i the oil record book shall be kept in such a place as to be readily available for inspection at all reasonable times and shall be kept on board the ship. This makes it so much important to have the knowledge of making the correct oil record book entries. Such cases typically arise from the discovery during a port state control examination of an apparent overboard discharge of oily waste. The first level of control in this respect is therefore on the actual sulphur content of the fuel oils as bunkered. Vessels which have on board previous existing editions of oil record book may continue to be used until onboard supplies of such editions are exhausted.

Imo guidance on entries in the oil record book orb has also been ambiguous in the past. Official oil record book and emissions revised edition 2016 are available in administrations head quarter office and all merchant marine consulates. Ensure a garbage record book is readily available for inspection by the epa at all reasonable times. Section 39 of the regulations also clarifies which ships are required to carry a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan and subdivision 7 of this division incorporates the double hulling requirements formerly included in tp 11710, standards for the double hull construction of oil tankers. Provide the epa with a copy of the oil record book within 15 working days after the end of the month in which it was completed. In 1973, the international maritime organization imo adopted the international convention for the prevention of pollution by ships and subsequently modified it by protocol in 1978.

Regulation 36 oil record book, part ii cargoballast operations. Draft amendments to marpol and the nox technical code, which will enable the use of electronic record books, were approved at the mepc 73 in october 2018. The record book, whether as a part of the ships official logbook or separate, is to be in the form specified in marpol annex v. The second circuit court of appeals has joined the fifth circuit court of appeals in confirming that shipowners and operators may be criminally prosecuted and held vicariously liable for entering us waters with false entries in the oil record book orb designed to hide discharges of waste oil in violation of marpol. Marpol academy provides elearning resource that supports compliance with marpol 7378 as amended and the us epa vgp.

This part of the oil record book must be kept on board by. Keeping oil record book on board cargo ships and how to make entry when oil handling work is carried out, the master, chief officer and chief engineer shall enter the facts in the oil record book and sign the same according to below procedures. The first part of the oil record book deals with machinery space operations for all ships. What are the most recent requirements for record retention, including electronic means, for ships to satisfy current maritime law. Sep, 2012 prevent pollution and reduce harmful emissions at sea. Apr 18, 2017 oil record book is one of the most important document that chief officer has to maintain. Oil record book part i machinery space operations all ships mepc 6224. An oil tanker of 150 gross tons and above or a non oil tanker that carries 200 cubic meters or more of oil. The guidance is intended to facilitate compliance with marpol requirements. The clubs inspectors have noted that the above subject does not seem to be either clear cut or well understood by ships officers or marpol inspectors. Chapter 3 requirements for machinery spaces of all ships part c control of operational discharge of oil.

Cargo ballast operations oil tankers is required in accordance with regulation 36 of annex i of the. Oil record book, part ii cargoballast operations regulation 36 every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above shall be provided with an oil record book part ii cargoballast operations. The new revised guidance is intended to ensure compliance with marpol requirements for making entries in the oil record book orb part 1 machinery space operations, and includes examples of orb entries showing the correct use of the different codes and item numbers, along with explanatory notes. Under the discharge and dumping regulations, operators of an offshore installation are required to. Further amendments have been made to the annex which are also implemented by these regulations. The marpol convention is the main international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes. Every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above shall also be provided with an oil record book part ii cargoballast operations. The marine environment protection committee, at its sixtysecond session, 11 to 15 july 2011, approved a revised text of the guidance for recording of operations in the oil record book part i machinery space operations all ships mepc 6224, paragraph 7. Nov 03, 2014 marpol international convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, 1973, as modified by the protocol of 1978. Keeping oil record book on board cargo ships and how to. Guidance for the recording of operations in the oil record book part i machinery space operations all ships 1 the marine environment protection committee, at its sixtysecond session, 11 to 15 july 2011, approved the revised guidance for recording of operations in the oil. Oil record book for ships new revised edition as of 1116. Its objective is to limit shipborne pollution by restricting operational pollution and reducing the possibility of. This is necessary in order for authorities to be able to monitor if a vessels crew has performed any illegal oil discharges at sea.

Regulation 17 oil record book, part i machinery space operations. Regulation 17 oil record book, part i machinery space operations 1 every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above other than an oil tanker shall be provided with an oil record book part i machinery space operations. Regulation 36 oil record book, part ii cargoballast. The receipt or certificate should be kept together with the oil record book part i. New format of the garbage record book amendments to the format of the garbage record book, aimed to simplify the recording process, enter into force internationally on 1 march 2018. Part i this book is for machinery space operations all ships part ii this book is for cargo ballast operation oil tankers this record book is issued by the u. Marpol oil record book entries further revised guidance. This oil record book part ii complies with marpol annex i regulations and contains guidance on completing entries. Oil record book part i shall be provided to every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above, other than oil tankers, to record relevant machinery space operations. Regulation 17 oil record book, part i machinery space. Implementation of marpol 7378 and the protocol on environmental protection to the antarctic treaty as it pertains to pollution from ships. This resource is suitable for all personnel working in.

Keeping oil record book on board cargo ships and how to make entry when oilhandling work is carried out, the master, chief officer and chief engineer shall enter the facts in the oil record book and sign the same according to below procedures. Marine electronic oil record books must meet the specific reporting requirements of imo, solas and flag states. This marine notice advises of the availability of guidance for the recording of operations in the oil record book part i machinery space operations all ships, prepared and issued by the international maritime organization imo. See attachments in the upper right corner of this page. Ballast water record book see bwm001 each ship to which the bwm convention applies shall have on board a ballast water record book. False, missed or incorrect entries are considered a serious offense worldwide. This receipt or certificate, if attached to the oil record book part i, may aid the master of the ship in proving that his ship was not involved in an alleged pollution incident. Oil record book part i machinery space operations all ships mepc 6224, paragraph 7. This part of the oil record book must be kept on board by every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage or more. New guidance for the recording of operations in the oil. Marpol annex i oil record book part ii oil tankers. One commenter provided a series of suggested changes to the proposed oil record book. All cargo vessels where marpol convention is applicable must have an oil record book. The need for record retention, like the oil record book, cargo record book, and garbage record book, and a brief historical look at the necessity for it, is discussed in this article.

Chapter 4 requirements for the cargo area of oil tankers. Guidance for the recording of operations in the oil record book part i machinery space operations all ships the marine environment protection committee, at its sixtyfirst session, 27 september to 1 october 2010, approved the guidance for recording of operations in the oil record book part i machinery space operations all ships paragraph 7. The oil record book must be kept by the owner of the offshore installation for 3 years after the last entry is made. As a consequence the merchant shipping prevention of oil pollution regulations 1996 s. Prevent pollution and reduce harmful emissions at sea gov. The oil record book s, whether as a part of the ships official log book or otherwise, shall be in the forms specified in. If a wrong entry has been recorded in the oil record book orb. This resource is suitable for all personnel working in or near the marine environment.

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